Saturday, June 03, 2006


The 43-Year-Old Virgin

OK, I just set this up at 4:12 pm EDT. This is the first post -- if you want to be the first to comment, go for it!

This blog will be about nothing in particular -- news on my life (for my friends), some of my writing (for everyone, especially interested publishers), and hopefully not about recovering from major hurricanes, which I wrote about in e-mails last year after Wilma. Those posts were what caused my online friends to encourage me to start blogging. And at least for a while, there will be updates on how I cope with setting up this space. For example, here's an interesting tidbit -- Blogger's spellcheck doesn't recognize the words "blog" or "blogging." I think I'd better learn to e-mail my posts....

I don't especially care for any of the templates, so expect the look to change. I'll probably tinker with it over the next few days (or weeks, or months), so don't be surprised to come back and find this blog looking very different. Or crashed, since I don't really know much about HTML....

Let me go take care of other things now -- my profile, for example.

I just set mine up too this week. I wanted to leave a comment on yours ...great job !!!
Dude, 43 years is a long time. You need to get some 'tang.
I should have seen this coming. In this case, "virgin" refers to my blogging status, not to, know.

Welcom Oyibo. You're the first "stranger" to post here. I'll head over to check yours out now!
Congrats on the blog - thanks for the plug re: my book and the Wittenburg Door. 'preciate it bud. Becky Garrison
Whew! (Up 2 posts). Ya had me worried there kid.
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