Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Protecting Pets (and their people, too!)

Last year, in the wake of Katrina, we saw countless people who decided not to evacuate and rode out the storm in their homes. One of the main reasons for staying, it seemed, was that people refused to abandon their pets because they couldn't bring them to shelters or on transportation out of town. There was also a major effort by volunteers to rescue pets that were left behind by people who made the difficult choice or didn't make it through the storm.

Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. Senate to require state and local authorities to consider the needs of pet owners in their disaster plans. The Pet Evacuation and Transportation Standards, or PETS Act (S. 2548 and H.R. 3858) will not only help pets, but help prevent pet owners from having to choose between their own safety and that of their pets. This, in turn, will reduce the number of people who risk their own lives to remain in dangerous situations with their pets.

You can express your support for the PETS act by contacting your legislators. The Humane Society of the United States offers a page where you can do this quickly and easily.

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