Monday, October 02, 2006



Since you may be wondering, no -- I do not live in the Congressional District which until Friday was represented by Mark Foley. My district, represented by E. Clay Shaw is just to the south -- at least to the extent that any congressional district can be said to be just north, south, east, west, surrounded by, or hovering in the air above any other district. (BTW, if you want to see some serious gerrymandering, check this out, especially the southern districts. Foley is from District 16, which covers eight -- count 'em -- EIGHT counties.)

However, about a dozen or so years ago, Foley was running for the state legislature in a district where I lived at that time. I tend not to vote a strict party line, especially in state and local elections -- I would estimate the split as being about 60/40 -- and I had a particularly difficult time deciding which candidate to vote for. In fact, when I arrived at the polling location, I still hadn't made up my mind.

As it happened, Foley was at the location (outside the required distance, of course), shaking hands and trying to get out the vote. I took the opportunity to ask Foley why I should vote for him. I don't remember what he said, but he said the right things and sounded sincere, so I voted for him.

I wish now that his opponent had been there instead. Excuse me now while I go wash my hands for a couple of hours.

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