Tuesday, November 07, 2006
A Couple of Election Night Notes
- The governor of South Carolina was turned away when he tried to vote today. Registration problems? Real or alleged felony conviction? No, he forgot his voter registration card! His wife voted while he went to get the missing card.
- I have been seeing campaign signs that read, "Beer for Circuit Court Judge." No, it's not a proposed amendment, it's a candidate for the judiciary named Jerrald Beer. (Not sure if I spelled his first name correctly.)
- In the category of "This Is Clearly In Error," earlier tonight I saw a count on the Tim Mahoney-Joe Negron race. This is the U.S. House district from which Mark Foley resigned -- Negron had only five weeks to organize his campaign, and he had to overcome having Foley's name entrenched on the ballot. Still, I can't believe that with any precincts reporting he actually had 0%, as was indicated on one of the reports earlier tonight. (Surprisingly, too close to call as of 10 pm.
- One of the propsed amendments to the Florida constitution is about, well...proposed amendments. It would require future amendments to receive at least 60 percent of the votes cast in order to be implemented. (I see it as a way to give lobbyists more power and make it more difficult for the public to have its say when they aren't being truly represented by the legislature.) Ironically, it might pass with less than 60 percent of the votes cast.
- Looks like the Rhode Island Republican Lincoln Chafee will lose his seat in the Senate. However, his approval rating is better than 60 percent. Why are they voting out someone they like? Speculation among the commentators on television is that the voters are actually voting against the president...but I don't see why that would be so much more prevalent in Rhode Island than in other states.
I'm sure I'll have more tidbits later....