Sunday, July 08, 2007
Quack! Quack quack!

I had a bit of a welcoming party when I went out the door to go to work the other day. Sorry I didn't get a better picture, but they that's Mama Duck and her babies. (Sorry, Dave, no geese.)
They live by the pond in my apartment complex. Since I don't live on the pond, I don't see the ducks regularly, but from time to time they will wander over.
You can't tell from the picture, but there were more ducks in the grass to the left. As they came out I counted, and altogether there were TWENTY ducklings following Mama. Do ducks actually lay that many eggs in one clutch, or could she possibly have adopted some orphans?
If I can get better pictures, I'll post 'em!
Labels: animals birds ducks babies