Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Today I was posting a comment elsewhere on the Web, and made reference to something I developed some time ago. I thought I'd share it here:

Mark's Second Law of Internet Communications:

It's one of the reasons I rarely criticize the spelling or grammar of other people on the Internet, the other reasons being that some otherwise very smart people are just bad at spelling, grammar or punctuation. Some just type poorly.

In case you're wondering, here is Mark's First Law of Internet Communications:

I know this has nothing to do with the Internet, but it's my first law of pretty much anything.


If Georgia sucks what do you think of New Jersey...
New Jersey: Doomed to always be second fiddle to New York, most densely populated state in the nation, has several cities that smell like raw sewage, has a large stadium built on a trash dump that may be where Jimmy Hoffa's body is hidden, defined geographically by the exits of a not-so-great turnpike, and the place where Hamilton and Burr -- both New Yorkers -- went to duel because dueling was actuallly still legal there.

So, in other words, it's way better than Georgia.

And thanks for posting...I didn't think anyone was still reading.
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