Monday, July 03, 2006


We're Off to Recast the Wizard....

I just caught the end of The Wizard of Oz on AMC. I'm always a little sad when I see the movie because when I was a kid we had a cairn terrier who looked just like Toto. :-( But I digress....

Way back when I regularly hung out on CompuServe, one of the most popular discussions we had was over who we would cast in a remake of the classic movie. Lots of people had suggestions, and we got off onto side discussions of making the movie as a farce, or some weird Stephen King version where the Wizard (played by Rutger Hauer -- remember The Hitcher?) rips Dorothy's still-beating heart out of her chest and gives it to the Tin Man. But here's what I'd like to see, in my warped vision:

Opinions? Alternate suggestions?

I would get Marisa Tomie as Dorothy, I always got the hint of a romance between her and the Scarecrow. If you notice it's the Scarecrow that wants to help the Tinman and the Lion. I could go on about the movie, I have seen it more times than I care to remember. Next time you watch it notice the Scarecrow is still on fire even after Dorothy throws water on him in the Witch's Castle.
The only thing there is that Dorothy shouldn't be in her 40s. Besides, I just like the idea of a foul-mouthed Dorothy making seriously off-color remarks.
How about Diana Ross as Dorothy and Michael Jackson as the scarecrow? Wait, they did that already. :-)
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