Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Ernesto and Me

As of 8:30 pm on Tuesday...not much to report. Lots of things are closed, store shelves are empty of water, bread and canned goods, and there were long lines at the gas station, but weather-wise, it's pretty quiet -- and not the eerie quiet that settled in before Andrew in 1992. At the moment it's windy and rainy, but not even to the point that I can hear it inside. We had worse rain last week!

I'll be going to work tomorrow, assuming it's safe on the road, but I don't know yet if we'll be open. My boss will be going in for the morning since he has to check for damage anyway, and I'll be in at 2:30, open or not, so at least I won't lose pay.

Oops, it just picked up so I can hear the rain, but nothing at all scary. Updates will follow....

Besides the crocs, yet another reason for living in the mountains and not the ocean. Hope you fair well. :-)
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