Thursday, July 26, 2007
Anyone for a Tag?
A couple of weeks ago I was tagged by my brother Dave for a meme. I'm supposed to list eight random facts about myself and then tag eight other bloggers, but I don't know anyone I can tag other than Dave himself. So now I'm posting the facts anyway. If you want a tag, let me know!
- I only have 31 teeth. No, nothing has been pulled, and I didn't get punched in the mouth, but I have only three lower incisors. It's hereditary, from my maternal grandmother. (It skips a generation.)
- I have a fear of revolving doors. I don't think it's a phobia because it doesn't keep me from going through, but when I do have to go through a revolving door, I get really nervous.
- I am a horrible packrat. I keep all sorts of things that most people wouldn't -- not bits of string, or anything like that, but my apartment is full of things I've had for years even though they aren't really valuable.
- I almost always have a few magazines in the bathroom. I haven't tried returning them to Brentano's, so I don't know if they are "flagged."
- I was born in Manhattan (Beth Israel Hospital), and since then I have visited New York many times, including Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, and Staten Island, but never Brooklyn. However, a few years ago I learned that I was conceived in Brooklyn!
- I am a diehard Mustang fan. I have owned six cars, and three of them were Mustangs. One of the others was a Mercury Capri, which was the Mercury version of the Mustang. If I were to win the Lotto, I would keep my current Mustang (1997), but also get one of the new ones. And maybe a '65 Fastback, too.
- I keep a notepad with me at all times to jot down writing ideas. Sometimes I have an idea -- a funny line, an idea for a character or situation, or a broad concept -- and in the notepad it goes. I also write down funny or unusual things that I see or overhear.
- For a brief period in my teens, I played golf. Well, to be more accurate, I swung at golf balls with a club. To say that I was really bad would be understatement to the point of fraud. One time I broke 100 -- but failed to repeat the feat on the back nine. Since then, Florida has passed a law making it illegal for me to be in possession of a golf club unless I am within 500 feet of a miniature windmill.
Labels: meme trivia
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Quack! Quack quack!

I had a bit of a welcoming party when I went out the door to go to work the other day. Sorry I didn't get a better picture, but they that's Mama Duck and her babies. (Sorry, Dave, no geese.)
They live by the pond in my apartment complex. Since I don't live on the pond, I don't see the ducks regularly, but from time to time they will wander over.
You can't tell from the picture, but there were more ducks in the grass to the left. As they came out I counted, and altogether there were TWENTY ducklings following Mama. Do ducks actually lay that many eggs in one clutch, or could she possibly have adopted some orphans?
If I can get better pictures, I'll post 'em!
Labels: animals birds ducks babies